ADR Petitions

From the top menu, click on the ADR Petitions

ADR Petitions top menu selection

The ADR Petitions tab displays one or more ADR Petitions that have you listed as the Petitioner or Opposing contact.

ADR Petitions tab

ADR Petitions – Fields
Item Description
Petition ID Unique ADR Petition Identifier
Type Displays the Petition Type – CE or MFR
Filing Status Displays the Filing Status of the ADR Petition – Individual or Joint
Petitioner Organization Displays the name of the Petitioner Organization
Opposing Organization Displays the name of the Opposing Organization
Status Displays the processing status of the ADR Petition
Initiated Date Displays the date the ADR Petition was created in OPAIS
Last Updated On Displays the date of last update
Last Updated By Displays the user or group (HRSA) who last updated the ADR Petition

Displays the Actions that are available to the user

  • Edit – Click on Edit to edit and save information in the ADR Petition.

Edit CE Petitions

Edit MFR Petitions